Don’t wait and test yourself
Take advantage of one of several counselling services,
where you can get tested for HIV, syphilis and hepatitis B, C for free.

Anyone can slip
There are more than 4 100 HIV positive cases registered in the Czech Republic. Get rid of your doubts and get tested at our HIV counselling centres. It’s easy. We test for HIV ANONYMOUSLY, QUICKLY and FREE.

We provide free services
Testing is performed at a professional level in an accredited laboratory.
- HIV (100% anonymous testing)
- Syphilis
- Hepatitis B, C
- Educational programmes, prevention
We provide other commercial (paid) services

Frequently asked questions
Frequently asked questions
For the general public ages 15 and above. Persons under 15 years of age may only be examined in the presence and consent of a legal guardian.
When should I be tested for risky behaviour?
Optimally after 3 months from the time of the risky behaviour, but at least after 14 days.
Does a person have to make an appointment for counseling?
You don’t have to. Those interested in testing come directly to the clinic, sit in the waiting room and wait to be called by a nurse or counsellor. Testing is done on a first-come, first-served basis.
Is complete anonymity guaranteed?
Yes, at no stage of HIV testing does anyone know the name or identifying information of the person being tested. If the result is positive, by law, the person tested must come out of anonymity, identify himself or herself and then begin treatment at an AIDS centre. Anonymity does not mean that the tested person cannot be seen by others before testing!
How is the examination carried out?
Before the test, there is a short interview with a counsellor to determine the suitability of the test. Prior to HIV testing, the applicant is assigned a number under which they are registered with the laboratory. The test is done from blood, there is no need to come on an empty stomach.
Je testování spojeno i s poradenstvím?
Ano, pokud zájemce chce, může klást dotazy kdykoliv v průběhu návštěvy poradny.
Is testing also linked to counselling?
Yes, if you wish, you can ask questions at any time during your visit to the counselling room.
How is HIV laboratory testing done?
Blood is tested in an accredited laboratory using modern Generation IV tests, which are more sensitive than rapid tests and detect HIV infection earlier.
When and how are the results communicated?
The results are communicated after consultation with the consultant.
Is it possible to get a written result or a certificate of HIV testing?
It’s not possible. There is only a verbal communication of the result.
I need to issue a written result or a certificate for an employer, a trip abroad, etc.
Written result and certificate are not issued in HIV testing centres for free testing. For information on issuing a certificate or written result in your name, click here.
Where can I get more information or advice?
Come to one of our counselling centres.